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Health Testing Forms and Information

Submission of Hips and Elbows can be done after 12 months of age. Once your X-rays are submitted you will receive hip elbow certification from the SV.

Passing Hip and Elbow scores are a1 normal, a2 fast normal and a3 Noch Zugelassen

Poor hips and elbows are rated at A4 moderate (Mittlere) and A5 severe (Schwere) -both are failing scores.

Our aim as breeders is of course to keep within the average of the breed. a1, 2 & 3 all of which are functional joints with minimal impact on life and work.

  1. Register as a membership with USCA so you can submit X-Rays at

   2. Make an appointment with a vet who can correctly take X-rays for SV and/or OFA.

Please bring an example of knee placement to show your vet (below)


  • From the USCA website:

  • WUSV A-Stamp (Hip/Elbow)
    This program is available through USCA for German Shepherd Dogs and all dogs of other breeds residing in the United States.  PLEASE PRINT THE PDFS BELOW THAT DISCUSS PROPER POSITIONING OF HIPS/ELBOWS TO BE SENT TO THE WUSV. THEY WILL REJECT IF THE X RAYS ARE NOT TO THEIR SPECIFICATIONS.

  • PLEASE NOTE: If you have submitted x-rays to the SV and results are pending OR you have already done an SV a-stamp rating, you may not re-submit to Dr. Duran..

  • *This is a different evaluator with different requirements. Please be sure to read all information below.*

    German Shepherd Dogs and all breeds may apply for this program.
    On the day the x-ray is taken, the dog must be at least one year of age or older.
    German Shepherd Dogs or other breeds with registration papers/pedigree(s) recognized by WUSV or FCI can participate. That means either AKC, USCA, other WUSV registration papers or a pedigree that was issued in a foreign country by an organization that is a member of the FCI.
    All German Shepherd Dogs and all dogs of other breeds, x-rayed for this program must be microchipped.
    For LÜW, a lateral spine view that includes the pelvic region is required, in addition to a regular hip x-ray hip.
    For OCD one additional view of the elbows are required, see the attached images below.

  • Once submitted, the x-rays become the property of WUSV/FCI certifier Dr. Duran’s and the USCA Office where they are kept on file. All original documents submitted for this program will be returned to the owner by the USCA Office.
    The following information MUST be exposed on the identification plate of the x-ray to process:
    Complete registered name of the dog, as it appears on the registration papers/pedigree
    Registration number
    Tattoo and/or microchip number
    Date of birth
    Date the X-ray was taken
    Name of current owner
    Name of veterinarian, business address and/or hospital/clinic
    A letter (PRINT THE FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE) from your veterinarian on his/her letterhead stating the following:

  • Confirmation from the veterinarian that he/she verified the identity of the dog presented to them by means of the tattoo and/or microchip number, dog’s full registered name, and registration number.
    Notation from the veterinarian stating that the dog WAS sedated for the x-ray procedure. According to WUSV requirements dogs MUST be sedated for the hips x-rays.
    Authorization (signatures) from the owner/co-owner(s) that all information within the identification plate AND within the veterinarian’s letter has met their approval to be forwarded on to the USCA OFFICE for processing.
    If the above information is not provided along with the HD/ED x-rays, they can not be processed.

    If x-rays are sent to any other USCA email address, they will be rejected.
    You may not email your dog’s images to the USCA office, if you email them, they will be rejected, they must come from your veterinarian.
    DO NOT mail thumb drives with images on them to the USCA office.  This cannot be accepted as it poses a security risk to the USCA computer system.  If you send via thumb drive, it will not be returned.  You veterinarian has to email them to the USCA office
    You mail sedation letter, pedigree, and fees to the USCA office.  Tabitha will not upload them to Dr. Duran until this is received in full.

  • PLEASE NOTE: These ratings are valid for WUSV world events (BSZS, Universal Competition, or IGP). If doing a breed survey in Germany, the SV will require identity verification and a copy of the x-rays (x-rays are not re-evaluated again.)


  • The vet must submit the x-rays and the owner must submit the paperwork.


  • Paperwork required – 

  • Sedation Letter (print at bottom of page)

  • Original Pedigree (you will get this back)

  • -It must be the pedigree from the country your dog came from. 

  • — Example – United States: AKC 

  • –Germany: SV Pink Papers 

  • –Czech- CMKU Pedigree   ETC. 

  • Copy of Registration Papers (ex:AKC Registration Certificate)

  • Payment (fees below)

  • If paying by check please make the check payable to USCA.
    Evaluation fee(s): 
    USCA Pricing

  • Hips only – $60.00

  • Elbows only – $60.00

  • LUW (SPINE) only – $30.00

  • OCD only – $30.00

  • All four, if done together – $180.00


  • If you need further assistance, please contact Tabitha at the USCA Office.

  • Tabitha’s Email –


*Veterinarian Form PDF

*Requirements Elbow & Hip Dysplasia


*LUW information


*Elbow Dysplasia Procedure


*Hip Dysplasia Procedure


AIS PennHIP testing is accurate in puppies as young as 16 weeks of age. It gives an estimate of the risk for painful osteoarthritis (OA) of canine hip dysplasia (CHD) later in life. With this information, preventive and palliative strategies can be recommended by the PennHIP-trained veterinarian.

All dogs can benefit from PennHIP testing. For pet dogs found to be at risk to develop hip OA, early intervention can help prevent or lessen the severity of CHD. For working/service dogs, identifying a dog with healthy hips can extend the working life of the dog. For breeding dogs, early detection of at-risk hips can allow the breeder to make early, informed decisions as to which dogs to keep in breeding programs.

OFA Cardiac

Must be 12 months or older for official rating

OFA Eyes

Must be 12 months or older for offical rating

OFA Patella

Must be 12 months or older for official rating

OFA Dentition 

Must be 12 months or older for official rating 


Hips / Elbows

Veterinary clinics can register to submit digital images and find detailed directions on how to submit images digitally at The average turnaround time from receipt for of-age evaluations on dogs 24 months of age or older is 2-3 weeks. Preliminary evaluations on dogs under 24 months of age have an average turnaround time of 1-2 weeks. Reports are sent to the veterinarian and owner on completion of the evaluation.


Click here for clinics that offer these tests


Embark Genetic Testing 

Click here to go to the Embark Website


We test all our dogs through Embark

WoodWolf German Shepherds

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