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Titles: BH/VT, IGP1
•Czech Show Rated: D (Good)
•Czech Breed Survey: 5CKV5/45P
(5) required strength, power, nobility,
height: dog 63-65 / bitch 58-60
(C) right, short crisis
(K) long back
(V) wolf gray, dark markings
(5) sanguine, balanced, controlled, self-confident
(4) good bite, medium intensity
(5) very good hard bite, very strong expression
(P) Pronounced
•Hips A (Excellent) Elbows 0/0 (Excellent)
•ZW 72
•Proven producer with 2 prior litters of 9
•Imported from the Czech Republic
•Czech & West German Working Lines
•DM Clear
•Stock coat and Carrier of Long Coat
•Dark Sable and Carrier for Solid Black
Evita is a very calm, sweet, neutral & confident girl. She has high food & toy drive, but medium energy making her an amazing companion & sport dog.
She walked right into my home, happy as can be, and within a few days I knew she was 100% trustable off leash on the property and around all my other dogs.
She is always so quiet, no spinning / barking or reactivity from the kennel or crate, just lays or sits there ready to get let out to play, cuddle and explore.
To say I’m impressed with her is an understatement, she really fits in my program to a T.
I plan to get her AD, SV show rating and some other fun titles as the years go by.
I’m so excited to see all the amazing dogs she’s going to produce.
G Cash Vom Der Mohnwiese BH, AD, IPO2
SV A1 Hips & A1 Elbows / ZW 76
Lifetime Kkl
(G Lazarus von der Maineiche SchH2 Lifetime Kkl , HD/ED A1 x G Kinga vom Lupus in fabula , SchH3, Lifetime Kkl, HD/ED A1)
VD Dessy Ethen ZVV1
HD: A1 Hips & ED A2 Elbows
Czech Breed Survey: 5VQ1/P
(V Brisco vom Patriot SchH3, IPO3, Lifetime Kkl, HD/ED A1 x VD Nessi z Kurimskeho haje IPO3, FPR1, UPR1, CZ: 5CV1/P, DKK/DLK A/0/0)

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